Englisch Pulp disposable containers & macerators

Expansion / Joint Venture / Small Placement

BOSK Expansion Private Equity / Joint Venture / Small Placement

BOSK Corp., a globally active German-American company based in Miami, Florida and Dresden, Saxony is looking for growth capital and private equity (incl. Small Placements) for setting up a worldwide distribution network (branch offices), extending the production for pulp disposable consumables and macerator, and the purchase of competing firms. The aim is to implement a patented new product in the market and to become world leader in the coming years.
BOSK developed a unique product and new brand in the Medical Industry – ECOPATENT® patented Disposable Consumables & Disposal System for fecal waste in hospitals and nursing homes – with world-wide unique selling point and a 100% defined wholesale target group (clinics, nursing homes).

Categories: Expansion / Joint Venture / Small Placement